Cafe in Italian

Names of drinks and snacks you order in a cafe in Italian
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of la coca-cola
la coca-cola
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of la bevanda gassata
la bevanda gassata
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il succo di frutta
il succo di frutta
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of l’acqua
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il caffè
il caffè
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il tè
il tè
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il latte
il latte
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of lo zucchero
lo zucchero
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il dolce
il dolce
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il gelato
il gelato
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of la birra
la birra
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il vino
il vino
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il tramezzino
il tramezzino
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of le patatine fritte
le patatine fritte
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il tavolo
il tavolo
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of la cameriera
la cameriera
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il tovagliolo
il tovagliolo
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of la cannuccia
la cannuccia
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of il conto
il conto
Italian topic: Cafe, picture of gli spiccioli
gli spiccioli
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